

  1. viini, glögi, viinitoti.

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viinitoti A drink of wine, lemon, sugar, nutmeg and hot water.
1857, (w), (w), Volume the Second, page 177 (ISBN 1857150570)

And when he got home he had a glass of hot negus in his wife's sitting-room, and read the last number of the “Little Dorrit” of the day with great inward satisfaction.
1929, (w), (w), Chapter VII, Section vi
Esther began … to cry. But when the fire had been lit specially to warm her chilled limbs and Adela had plied her with hot negus she began to feel rather a heroine.
1982, (w), Water Music, Penguin 2006, p. 258:
‘I could sure use a cup of negus and maybe some hot soup,’ he sniffs.
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)


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lobbaus, mobbaus, dubbaus, fibaus, skimbaus, blandaus, gryndaus, bodaus, koodaus, viivakoodaus

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