
Tarkoititko: mysteerio

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti puhekieltä Any of various unknown elements thought to make up existing forms of matter, or a substance seen as an elemental or pure form of something else.
2006, (w), The Devils Doctor'', Arrow 2007, p. 263:
There are many such mysteria: milk is a mysterium of cheese and butter, and cheese in turn a mysterium of maggots, which were thought to form spontaneously in rotting food.
puhekieltä The hypothetical source of a galactic radio emission at 1665 megahertz (later identified as due to hydroxyl radicals in interstellar space).
mystery (secret rite or worship)
a (l)
mystery (something unexplainable)

Korleis steinen hamna her er eit mysterium.

How the rock got here is a mystery.

a mystery


mysterium rimmaa näiden kanssa:

klimakterium, deuterium

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