

  1. koipallo, kerä, pallo, pyöreä kappale, kamferi, naftaliini, naftaleeni, varastoida, tallettaa.

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koipallo a small ball of chemical pesticide and deodorant placed in or around clothing and other articles susceptible to damage from mold or moth larvae in order to protect them from this damage; mothballs have either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene as their active ingredient.
puhekieltä to store or shelve (something that is no longer used)

They mothballed the old version after the new one came out.

puhekieltä to stop using something, but keep in good condition
2014, A teacher, " Choosing a primary school: a teacher's guide for parents", The Guardian, 23 September 2014:
Some schools might have an art studio, an area of forestry in the playground, or a performance stage in the hall – all exceptional assets. Just check they get plenty of use and aren't mothballed while the school concentrates on (you guessed it) maths and literacy.


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