
Tarkoititko: moreeni

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englanti puhekieltä Someone in authority, a master or leader, especially among Sotho-speakers. (Chiefly as a form of address.) (defdate)
1979, (w), A Dry White Season, Vintage 1998, p. 93:
Morena,’ said the old priest, ‘don't be angry with the boy.’
(inflection of).
puhekieltä moraine
puhekieltä moraine (accumulation of rocks and debris carried and deposited by a glacier)
puhekieltä (l), (l) (gloss)
(pt-adj form of)
(l) (gloss)
(inflection of)
dark-skinned female, brunette
puhekieltä moray
lord, chief, master King


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