

  1. joukko, köyhälistö, väkijoukko, ihmisjoukko, kansanjoukko

  2. mafia

  3. hirviö (MMORPG-roolipeleissä)

Esimerkkejä mob sanan käytöstä:

angry mobs

Liittyvät sanat: mobster



  1. järjestö, liitto, seura, yhdistys, joukko, väkijoukko, roskajoukko, mellastava ihmisjoukko, ihmisjoukko, lynkkausjoukko, jengi, joukkio, sakki, lauma, rinki, katujengi, luola, järjestäytynyt rikollisuus, alamaailma, rikosmaailma.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: mobata, mobbata, mobbaus, mobile, mobilisaatio, mobilisoida.





joukko, lauma

mafia An unruly group of people.
(w), Jr. (1751-1836)

Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob.
A commonly used collective noun for animals such as horses or cattle.
The Mafia, or a similar group that engages in organized crime (preceded by the).
(RQ:RnhrtHpwd Bat)
The Bat—they called him the Bat.(nb..). He'd never been in stir, the bulls had never mugged him, he didn't run with a mob, he played a lone hand, and fenced his stuff so that even the fence couldn't swear he knew his face.
1986, (w), Concrete: Under the Desert Stars, Dark Horse Books
What if it is a mob killing? They can’t hurt me, but …
puhekieltä A non-player character that exists to be fought or killed to further the progression of the story or game.
2002, "Wolfie", Re: Whoa - massive changes due in next patch (on newsgroup
You can't win with small, balanced groups. You have to zerg the mob with a high number of players.
puhekieltä The lower classes of a community; the rabble.
(w) (1672–1719)
A cluster of mob were making themselves merry with their betters.
puhekieltä A cohesive group of people.
2011 March 10, Allan Clarke, W.A. through Noongar eyes
There’s nothing like local knowledge and after thousands of years living here the Noongar mob understand this land better than anyone, so it makes sense for them to tap into the lucrative tourism industry.
puhekieltä To crowd around (someone), often with hostility.

The fans mobbed a well-dressed couple who resembled their idols.

puhekieltä To crowd into or around a place.

The shoppers mobbed the store on the first day of the sale.

puhekieltä The act of a player aggroing enemies so they follow them and gather, forming a mob of foes. (rfe)
puhekieltä A promiscuous woman; a harlot or wench; a prostitute. (defdate)
A mob cap.


puhekieltä To wrap up in, or cover with, a cowl.
mobile phone
(imperative of)
puhekieltä scooter, moped
to be ill/sick; to hurt; to be unwell


  • mobiili: auto

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