
Tarkoititko: mitoitus

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englanti puhekieltä A process for producing malleable iron castings by melting wrought iron, to which from 0.05 to 0.1 per cent of aluminum is added to lower the melting point, usually in a petroleum furnace, keeping the molten metal at the bubbling point until it becomes quiet, and then pouring the molten metal into a mold lined with a special mixture consisting essentially of molasses and ground burnt fire clay.
The malleable iron produced by this technique.
mild Mild, mellow, mature, ripe; sweet, juicy, succulent.
puhekieltä light Light, fruitful, mellow.
puhekieltä calm Calm, gentle, placid.
puhekieltä, peaceful Peaceful, pleasant, clement, calm.
puhekieltä soft Soft, tolerable, peaceful, gentle, mild.


(inflection of)


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