

  1. paha, vahingollinen, huono käytös, tihutyö, ilkivalta, ilkikurisuus, pahanilkisyys, pahankurisuus, veijarimaisuus, kieroilu, konnamaisuus, metkuilu, jäynä, kiusanteko, häiriköinti, meluaminen, hämärä puuha, vandalismi, huliganismi, ilkivaltaisuus, pahanteko, pahuus, turmiollisuus.

Lisää synonyymejää



kiusanteko, jäynä, ilkivalta

pahanteko Petty annoyance:
puhekieltä Conduct that playfully causes petty annoyance.


puhekieltä Inclination to cause annoyance or trouble.
puhekieltä An annoying action.
puhekieltä Harm or injury:
puhekieltä Harm or trouble caused by an agent or brought about by a particular cause.
1815, (w), Emma, s:Emma/Volume 1/Chapter 8|Volume I, Chapter 8:
Vanity working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief.
puhekieltä An injury or an instance of harm or trouble caused by a person or other agent or cause.
puhekieltä Cause or agent of annoyance, harm, or injury:
puhekieltä A cause or agent of annoyance, harm or injury,
(quote-book)|author=(w)|passage=To die like a man of honour, Sir Hargrave, you must have lived like one. You should be sure of your cause. But these pistols are too ready a mischief. Were I to meet you in your own way, Sir Hargrave, I should not expect, that a man so enraged would fire his over my head, as I should be willing to do mine over his. Life I would not put upon the perhaps involuntary twitch of a finger.
especially, a person who causes mischief.
puhekieltä A (l) or a (l) of (l).
2015, Rachel Smith, John Davidson, Rats For Kids, Mendon Cottage Books (ISBN 9781311748102), page 6
A group of rats is not a herd or a gaggle, but a pack or a mischief of rats. Rats in general are omnivorous, meaning they will eat almost anything.  ...
2014, G. W. Rennie, The Rat Chronicles, iUniverse (ISBN 9781491738313), page 21
Kirac, the leader of the rats under his charge, speaks to the major through his telepathic abilities that manifested after the alien virus infected him and his mischief of rats. He is sitting on Captain Rushton&39;s shoulder as he speaks with his  ...

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