


  1. lauhkea, lempeä, hellävarainen

  2. (ilmastosta) leuto, lauha

  3. heikko, vähäinen

  4. (rangaistuksesta) lievä

  5. (mausta) mieto, laimea



  1. lauhkea, leuto, lempeä, lauha, leppeä, leppoisa, mieto, vaisu, kohtuullinen, hillitty, pidättyväinen, sävyisä, maltillinen, aste, taso.

Lisää synonyymejää



lauha, leuto

vaisu, mieto

lempeä gentle Gentle and not easily angered.


puhekieltä Of only moderate severity; not strict.
Not overly felt or seriously intended.
puhekieltä Not serious or dangerous.
{{quote-book|author=Rachel Simon|year=2002
{{quote-book|author=Janice A. Gault|year=2003
puhekieltä Moderately warm, especially less cold than expected.
puhekieltä act Acting gently and without causing harm.
puhekieltä Not sharp, or strong in flavor.
puhekieltä A relatively low-gravity beer, often with a dark colour; mild ale
1998, Robert Rankin, The Dance of the Voodoo Handbag (page 112)
'Let me get this for the lady,' I said to Fange, who was pulling her a pint of mild.
2011, Pete Brown, Three Sheets to the Wind
But Stella shouldn't really be drunk in pints the same way our dads used to drink bitter or mild that was effectively half as strong.
mildEnglish mild, gentle, soft
light, lenient
English mild
English mild (in all of its common senses)
(l), (l), (l)

I mai er det ofte mildt i veret.

In May, the weather is often mild


Dommeren gav han ei mild straff.

The judge gave him a lenient punishment.

English mild; gentle
English mild, gentle
bland; not hot or strong (about taste of food)
weak; not corrosive or aggressive

en mild ättiksyralösning

a weak solution of acetic acid

not extreme; about weather: neither hot nor cold

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