


  1. siirtyä käyttämään jotakin

  2. muuttaa, vaeltaa

Esimerkkejä migrate sanan käytöstä:

We are migrating to next-generation networks. = Olemme siirtymässä käyttämään uuden sukupolven tietoverkkoja.

Liittyvät sanat: migration , migratory



  1. tulla siirtolaisena johonkin maahan, muuttaa maahan, asuttaa, siirtyä, muuttaa maasta, emigroitua, muuttaa.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



muuttaa puhekieltä To relocate periodically from one region to another, usually according to the seasons.
Twice a year the geese migrate — from Florida to Canada and back again.
Twice a year the Minnesotans migrate from their state to the Gulf of Mexico.
puhekieltä To change one's geographic pattern of habitation.

Many groups had migrated to western Europe from the plains of eastern Europe.

puhekieltä To change habitations across a border; to move from one country or political region to another.
To escape persecution, they migrated to a neutral country.
puhekieltä To move slowly towards, usually in groups.
Once the hosts started bickering in the kitchens, the guests began to migrate towards the living room.
puhekieltä: To move computer code or files from one computer or network to another.
They had finished migrating all of the affected code to the production server by 2:00am, three hours later than expected.
puhekieltä To induce customers to shift purchases from one set of a company's related products to another.

We were hoping to migrate the customers of the "C" series to the "E" series and the "E" customers to the "S" series.

(inflection of)
(feminine plural of)


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