

  1. metropoli



emämaa A metropolis; the main city of a country or area. (defdate)
The parent-state of a colony. (defdate)
2007, Bruce Ackerman, ‘Meritocracy v. Democracy’, London Review of Books 29:5, p. 9:

Though the metropole remained confident in its Westminster ways, its newly independent colonies imposed constitutional constraints on the powers of parliament.
2007, John Darwin, After Tamerlane, Penguin 2008, p. 63:
As Europe's population growth and commercial activity slowed down after 1620, its thirst for Spanish-American silver slackened: metropole and colony were drifting apart.
puhekieltä A bishop's see. (defdate)
(inflection of)


metrópole rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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