


  1. en-monikko|m|essage


englanti (monikko) message|lang=en
puhekieltä shopping Shopping, groceries, errands.
1983, Raymond McClean, The road to Bloody Sunday, page 119:
I was going up the town to buy some messages.
1987, Pulpsmith, volume 6, page 275:
A South African woman, just married to an Irishman and newly arrived in this country, was shocked when her husband told her, "I just saw yer man in the shop when I was getting the messages (groceries)." "My what?" "Yer man. (..)"
*1995, (w), Morvern Callar, Vintage 2015, p. 9:
A woman with a well-to-do south voice told me to wash my soily hands before touching her messages.
(en-third-person singular of)
(monikko) message|lang=fr
(monikko) message|lang=sco
puhekieltä shopping

Am jist awa for ma messages. = I'm just off to get some shopping.''


messages rimmaa näiden kanssa:

director musices, edes, vastedes, tästedes, kahdes, kahdeskymmeneskahdes, yhdes, kahdeskymmenesyhdes, viides, kuudes

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