


  1. uskomaton, ihmeellinen


englanti puhekieltä (non-gloss definition) the extravagantly dressed French (l) and ‘fine ladies’ of the period of the w:French Directory|Directory, who affected a revival of the classical costume of ancient Greece.
1819, The Metropolis: A Novel (second edition), volume II, page 57:
I did not stay very late at the party; and our marvellous promised to give us a list of the company..the ensuing day. Cf. p. 59 Our military Exquisite.
1892 October 19th, w:The Daily News (UK)|The Daily News, page 5/1:
The ‘merveilleuse’ of the Directory in France. The ‘merveilleuse’, or ‘ultra-fashionable’, as the writer..rather inadequately translates her title, ‘walked..half naked in the Champs Elysees’.
1898, Mary Loyd (translator), (w) (author), Fashion in Paris: The Various Phases of Feminine Taste and Æsthetics from 1797 to 1897, chapter i, page 8:
The Ecrouelleux, the Inconcevables, the Merveilleux, with their chins sunk in their huge cravats.
ibidem, page 19:
The Merveilleuses survived the Incroyables by a couple of years.
marvelous, brilliant
marvelous; brilliant, etc.


merveilleux rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bordeaux, lux, sioux

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