

  1. puolipäivän-

  2. eteläinen

Esimerkkejä meridional sanan käytöstä:

la provincia afgana meridional de Kandahar – Kandaharin eteläpuoleinen Afganistanin maakunta



  1. etelä-, eteläinen.

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meridiaani- Located in the south, southern; later especially, pertaining to the south of France or other southern parts of Europe. (defdate)
Sir H. Wotton

Offices that require heat (..) should be meridional.
puhekieltä Along a north-south direction, or relative to a meridian; or relating to meridians or a meridian. (defdate)
Of or characteristic of southern areas or people, especially those in the south of France or other southern parts of Europe. (defdate)
1982, (w), Constance, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 740:
This, Constance recognised, may have had nothing to do with the situation – it was probably just a meridional convention – for in the Mediterranean countries nobody trusts his neighbour ....
2002, (w), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 270:
As soon as he heard the news of the trial and execution, he summed up the incident as a monument to Catholic intolerance, meridional superstition and judicial bigotry – and he decided to do something about it.
An inhabitant of a southern region, especially the south of France.
(l) (gloss)
southern, south (attributive)


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pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal

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