
Tarkoititko: mentalismi

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Liittyvät sanat: mentaliteetti.


englanti A person's feelings about the wider society and world in which they live, and their place within in; a worldview, outlook.
2002, (w), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 67:
Yet changing a traditional economic mentalité was an uphill task and, significantly, Law never fully disenchanted even his most intimate supporters (and maybe even himself) with customary forms of wealth ....
2012, (w), ‘What's Your Take?’, Literary Review 404:
David Thomson's objectives in this big, ambitious book are nothing short of Promethean, for he aims to deliver both a comprehensive history of the movies and a Marshall McLuhan-style examination of the mentalités produced by watching films and television.


mentalité rimmaa näiden kanssa:

selite, työselite, tulite, ilotulite, ylite

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