

  1. keskinkertainen

Liittyvät sanat: superior , inferior



  1. hankala, huono, paha, vakava, keskinkertainen, tavallinen, keskimääräinen, keskiverto-, kohtalainen, mukiinmenevä, ala-arvoinen, kehno, sekunda.

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kohtalainen Having no peculiar or outstanding features; not extraordinary, special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality.

Im pretty good at tennis but only mediocre at racquetball.''

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. (William Arthur Ward)

A person of minor significance, accomplishment or acclaim. common Common and undistinguished person.
2014, Todd Whitaker, Dealing with Difficult Teachers, Third Edition (page 84)
After this lecture, how do the mediocres feel? They probably feel indifferent or mad. Perhaps they were not even paying attention. The question is, are they more likely to be in the hallway tomorrow? Probably not.
puhekieltä A member of a socioeconomic class between the upper ranks of society and the agricultural workers.
mediocreEnglish mediocre, ordinary, middling
second-rate, poor, shoddy
mediocre person; mediocrity
(inflection of)
(obsolete spelling of)
English mediocre


mediocre rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kare, lohkare, kivilohkare, kivenlohkare, kallionlohkare, kalliolohkare, irtolohkare, siirtolohkare, jäälohkare, kokkare

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