


  1. asia

  2. aineisto

  3. aine, materia



  1. vaikeus, vastus, pulma, probleema, hankaluus, ongelma, vaiva, hätä, kirjoitus, kirjallinen materiaali, kirjoitettu teksti, aineisto, sanelu, teksti, tekstin.

Lisää synonyymejää



ongelma, pulma

olla merkitystä, olla tärkeä

aineisto Substance, material.
puhekieltä The basic structural component of the universe. Matter usually has mass and volume.
puhekieltä Matter made up of normal particles, not antiparticles. (Non-antimatter matter).
A kind of substance.


Written material (especially in books or magazines).
puhekieltä Aristotelian: undeveloped potentiality subject to change and development; formlessness. Matter receives (m), and becomes (m).
A condition, subject or affair, especially one of concern.
(w) (1561-1626)
if the matter should be tried by duel
(w) (1608-1674)
Son of God, Saviour of men! Thy name / Shall be the copious matter of my song.
Bible, (w) xviii. 22
Every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge.
12 July 2012, Sam Adams, AV Club Ice Age: Continental Drift
The matter of whether the world needs a fourth Ice Age movie pales beside the question of why there were three before it, but Continental Drift feels less like an extension of a theatrical franchise than an episode of a middling TV cartoon, lolling around on territory that’s already been settled.
An approximate amount or extent.
No small matter of British forces were commanded over sea the year before.
(w) (1616-1704)
Away he goes,(..)a matter of seven miles.
(w) (1670-1729)
I have thoughts to tarry a small matter.
puhekieltä The essence; the pith; the embodiment.
(w) (1572-1637)
He is the matter of virtue.
puhekieltä Inducing cause or reason, especially of anything disagreeable or distressing.
And this is the matter why interpreters upon that passage in Hosea will not consent it to be a true story, that the prophet took a harlot to wife.
puhekieltä pus Pus.
puhekieltä To be important.

The only thing that matters to Jim is being rich.

Sorry for pouring ketchup on your clean white shirt! - Oh, dont worry, it does not matter.''

(RQ:Brmnghm Gsmr)
As a political system democracy seems to me extraordinarily foolish,(nb..). My servant is, so far as I am concerned, welcome to as many votes as he can get.(..)I do not suppose that it matters much in reality whether laws are made by dukes or cornerboys, but I like, as far as possible, to associate with gentlemen in private life.
{{quote-journal|date=April 10, 2011|author=Alistair Magowan|work=BBC Sport
puhekieltä To care about, to mind; to find important.
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jone), Folio Society 1973, p.47:
Besides, if it had been out of doors I had not mattered it so much; but with my own servant, in my own house, under my own roof(nb..)
To form pus or matter, as an abscess; to maturate.
Sir (w) (1554-1586)
Each slight sore mattereth.
(alternative spelling of)
(comparative of)
to checkmate
(inflection of) (Etymology 1)


matter rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bitter, babysitter

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