

  1. mathilde, mathilda, tilda.

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englanti puhekieltä A bundle of possessions, often tied up in a sack; a swag.
1906, w:Banjo Paterson|A. B. Paterson, On The Road to Gundagai, The Old Bush Songs, Gutenberg eBook 10493,
In a week the spree was over and the cheque was all knocked down, / So we shouldered our “Matildas,” and we turned our backs on town, / And the girls they stood a nobbler as we sadly said “Good bye,” / And we tramped from Lazy Harry’s, not five miles from Gundagai;
1999, Milton Finkelstein, Global geography,
When a hobo roams through the outback with a matilda on his back, he is said to be “waltzing matilda.”


matilda rimmaa näiden kanssa:

saada, aikaansaada, lambada, enchilada, pomada, armada, reseda, naida, skeida, inhiboida

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