

  1. arkinen matematiikka

  2. arkinen laskelma, lasku

Esimerkkejä math sanan käytöstä:

\vec n = \pm {\vec x_u \times \vec x_v \over \lVert \vec x_u \times \vec x_v \rVert}

If you do the math, youll see that it’s not such a bargain.

Katso myös: euklidinen, dodekaedri, ikosaedri, oktaedri, heksaedri

Liittyvät sanat: teipio



matikka A mowing; what is gathered from mowing.
puhekieltä (short for)
puhekieltä arithmetic Arithmetic calculation calculations; (qualifier).

If you do the math, youll see that it’s not such a bargain.''

$170 a month? That doesn’t sound right. Let me check your math.

puhekieltä A math course.

They needed to take two more maths in order to graduate.

2010, Claude Regis Vargo, Beyond My Horizon (ISBN 1608445658), page 108:
Then, I further worked myself into an A+ panic attack with the realization that on top of the algebra, I would have to take three more maths, from a choice of calculus, finite math, statistics, logic, or differential equation.


advantage, profit, use, utility
forgive, excuse, pardon, condone, remit
kind, sort, type

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