


  1. verilöyly

Liittyvät sanat: carnage



  1. murha, tappo, teloitus, teurastus, verilöyly, massamurha, verenvuodatus, lahtaaminen, joukkomurha, Alamo, Little Bighornin taistelu, Custerin viimeinen taistelu, surmata, murhata, teurastaa, niittää maahan, tappaa, lahdata, joukkomurhata, nirhata.

Lisää synonyymejää



joukkomurhata, surmata

joukkomurha, verilöyly The killing of a considerable number (qualifier) where little or no resistance can be made, with indiscriminate violence, without necessity, and contrary to civilized norms.
1592, w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, Act I, Scene v:

I'll find a day to massacre them all,And raze their faction and their family

w:St Bartholomew's Day Massacre|St. Bartholomews Day Massacre''

w:Saint Valentine's Day Massacre|St. Valentines Day Massacre''

w:Amritsar Massacre|Amritsar Massacre

puhekieltä murder Murder.
1593, w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Richard the Third
The tyrannous and bloody act is done,—The most arch deed of piteous massacreThat ever yet this land was guilty of.
puhekieltä any Any overwhelming defeat, as in a game or sport.
puhekieltä To kill in considerable numbers where little or no resistance can be made, with indiscriminate violence, without necessity, and contrary to civilized norms. (qualifier)
1849, w:Thomas Babington Macaulay|Thomas Babington Macaulay, The History Of England From the Accession of James II
If James should be pleased to massacre them all, as Maximilian had massacred the Theban legion
puhekieltä To win so decisively it is in the manner of so slaughtering one's opponent.
puhekieltä To give a performance so poorly it is in the manner of so slaughtering the musical piece, play etc being performed.
(inflection of)


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