


  1. muusi, mössö

  2. mäski

  3. perunamuusi



  1. rehu, kuivarehu, ape, kananrehu, kananruoka, liete, suspensio, mäski, hapan mäski, hienontaa, jauhaa, murskata, muhentaa, musertaa, soseuttaa, survoa, jakaa pieniin osiin, muusata, särkyä, hajota, sirpaloitua, pirstoutua, hajota palasiksi, rikkoutua.

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muhentaa, musertaa, muusata puhekieltä A mesh
puhekieltä A mass of mixed ingredients reduced to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure; a mass of anything in a soft pulpy state.
In brewing, ground or bruised malt, or meal of rye, wheat, corn, or other grain (or a mixture of malt and meal) steeped and stirred in hot water for making the wort.
mashed potatoes|Mashed potatoes.
A mixture of meal or bran and water fed to animals.
puhekieltä: A mess; trouble.


puhekieltä To convert into a mash; to reduce to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure

We had fun mashing apples in a mill

The potatoes need to be mashed.

puhekieltä In brewing, to convert, (for example malt, or malt and meal) into the mash which makes wort.
puhekieltä To press down hard (on).

to mash on a bicycle pedal

puhekieltä to press.
puhekieltä To prepare a cup of tea (in a teapot), alternative to brew (used mainly in Northern England)
1913, w:D. H. Lawrence|D.H. Lawrence, s:Sons_and_Lovers Sons and Lovers, s:Sons and Lovers/Chapter 10|chapter 10
He took the kettle off the fire and mashed the tea.
to flirt, to make eyes, to make romantic advances
puhekieltä an infatuation, a crush, a fancy
puhekieltä a dandy, a masher
puhekieltä the object of one’s affections (qualifier)


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