


  1. marttyyri



  1. marttyyri, kärsijä, shaheed, uhri, Becket, Thomas Becket, Pyhä Thomas Becket, Yrjänä, Yrjö, Pyhä Yrjänä, Pyhä Yrjö, P. Yrjö.

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tehdä marttyyriksi One who willingly accepts being put to death for adhering openly to one's religious beliefs; notably, saints canonized after martyrdom.

Saint Stephen was the first Christian martyr.

puhekieltä One who sacrifices his or her life, station, or something of great personal value, for the sake of principle or to sustain a cause.
(qualifier) One who suffers greatly and/or constantly, even involuntarily.

Stan is a martyr to arthritis, Chris a martyr to Stans endless moaning about it.

puhekieltä To make someone into a martyr by putting him or her to death for adhering to, or acting in accordance with, some belief, especially religious; to sacrifice on account of faith or profession.
puhekieltä To persecute.

''Some religious and other minorities were martyred until extinction.

puhekieltä To torment; to torture.

The lovely Amoret, whose gentle heart

Thou martyrest with sorrow and with smart. — Spenser

puhekieltä (l), especially a Christian martyr
puhekieltä (l)

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