
Tarkoititko: maaöljy

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englanti The Andes Andean medicinal herb (taxlink), or an extract of the root of this plant.
(rfdat), M. Hermann and T. Bernet, The transition of maca from neglect to market prominence, page 18:
The overwhelming majority of maca roots are dried after harvest. In the cold, dry atmosphere of the puna the dried roots remain edible for several years. A minor proportion of the freshly harvested roots are roasted in huatias, earthen ovens (..)
{{quote-journal|2007|March 18|G. Pascal Zachary|Is the Key to Creativity in Your Pillbox, or in Your PC?|New York Times|url=
(feminine singular of)
(l) (gloss)
a (l) (l) used in (l)
a (l)’s (l)
puhekieltä cat, kitty


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