

  1. aatelinen, kunnianarvoinen, vaikuttava, ylevä, ylhäinen, aristokraattinen, ylpeä, halveksiva, kopea, määräilevä, koppava, dominoiva, väheksyvä, ylimielinen, rehvasteleva, mahtaileva.

Lisää synonyymejää



ylhäinen, aristokraattinen

koppava Of or relating to a lord.

Show us your lordly might: demonstrate that you can order people and get them to obey.

1880, John Nichols, The Gentlemans Magazine - Volume 248 - Page 60'':
But they are the peers of the Queensland Parliament, and, having no lordly robes, must approach the Old Country model as closely as possible.
2006, Steve Wharton, Screening Reality - Page 104:
... in that some form of duty and sacrifice (here, participation in the 1848 Revolution and a recognition of his lordly duty) is not only beneficially character- forming but also leads ultimately to a condition which is 'sublime'.
2011, Thomas Smith, ‎C. Matthew McMahon, ‎Therese B. McMahon, Select Memoirs of the English and Scottish Divines: - Page 282:
Samson, in reply to this, says, “If you are not lordly, nor value your lordly title, as you tell me, and I trust in truth and sincerity, shall I call you a phoenix?
2011, Mary Jane Staples, Appointment At The Palace: An Adams Family Saga Novel - Page 275:
... he's still got his lordly habits, and more so since coming out of the war as a general.' 'A colonel, Sammy,' said Rachel. 'Same thing, good as,' said Sammy. 'Boots, of course, does wear his lordly crown with style,' said Rachel. 'Don't I know it?
Having the qualities of a lord; lordlike; noble
appropriate Appropriate for, or suitable to, a lord; glorious.
Bible, Judges v. 25
She brought forth butter in a lordly dish.
The maidens gathered strength and grace / And presence, lordlier than before.
1849 — w:Charlotte Brontë|Charlotte Brontë, s:Shirley Shirley, chapter 27
It had also its Hall, called the Priory - an older, a larger, a more lordly abode than any Briarfield or Whinbury owned;
1897 — w:Bram Stoker|Bram Stoker, s:Dracula Dracula, chapter 27
There was one great tomb more lordly than all the rest.
Proud; haughty; imperious; insolent.
Lords are lordliest in their wine.
In the manner of a lord. Showing command or nobility.
1891, wikipedia:Edwin Arnold|Sir Edwin Arnold, The Light of the World: Or, The Great Consummation, Book I — “Mary Magdalene”, Funk & Wagnalls, page 56,
(..) / And Herod's painted pinnaces, ablaze / With lamps, and brazen shields and spangled slaves, / Came and went lordly at Tiberias; / (..)
{{quote-book|1925|Claude Kean|Stock Charges Against the Bible|year_published=2003|url=|page=61


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lorahtaa, loraus, lorauttaa, lordi, lordoosi, lorina

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