

  1. sähkölamppu, hehkulamppu, sähkövalo, lamppu.

Lisää synonyymejää



hehkulamppu (alternative spelling of)
puhekieltä gooseberry (a person who is not invited on a couple's date and who prevents or hinders romantic interactions)
2011, Heidy The Traveler, "", Learn Singlish a Bit!, 23 October 2011:

You two go ahead lah, I don't want to be lightbulb.
2014, Chris Soh, "", 20 Words That Mean Something Completely Different to Singaporeans, 3 August 2014:
When she finally came out her friend joined us. Damn lightbulb leh!
2014, carolcraves, "", Twitter, 31 January 2014:
Being an extra big light bulb and eating with two cousins and their husband and fiance.

Läheisiä sanoja

liftari, liftata, liftaus, lifti, ligniini, liha

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