


  1. herjaus, kunnianloukkaus, loukkaus, häväistys



  1. kanne, kunnianloukkaus, solvaus, panettelu, herjaus, häpäisy, julkinen herjaus.

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julkinen herjaus

kunnianloukkaus puhekieltä A written or pictorial false statement which unjustly seeks to damage someone's reputation.
puhekieltä The act or crime of displaying such a statement publicly.
puhekieltä Any defamatory writing; a lampoon; a satire.
puhekieltä A written declaration or statement by the plaintiff of his cause of action, and of the relief he seeks.
puhekieltä A brief writing of any kind, especially a declaration, bill, certificate, request, supplication, etc.


Wyclif Bible (Matthew v. 31)
a libel of forsaking divorcement
puhekieltä To defame someone, especially in a manner that meets the legal definition of libel.

He libelled her when he published that.

Alexander Pope
Some wicked wits have libelled all the fair.
puhekieltä To proceed against (a ship, goods, etc.) by filing a libel.
w:United States Supreme Court|United States Supreme Court, The Rio Grande, 86 U.S. 178,179 (1873)
These provisions of law being in force, the steamer Rio Grande, owned, as was alleged, by persons in Mexico, being in the port of Mobile, in the Southern District of Alabama, certain materialmen, on the 26th of November, 1867, filed separate libels against her in the district court for the said district.
booklet, notably as libel


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askel, harha-askel, taka-askel, laukka-askel, puoliaskel, tanssiaskel, vauhtiaskel, ristiaskel, sävelaskel, puolisävelaskel

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