


  1. kirjelaatikko, kirjeluukku, postilaatikko, postiluukku

  2. video laajakuvan siirto videolle säilyttäen alkuperäinen kuvasuhde, jolloin kuva-alan ylä- ja alapuolella on lisätty mustat palkit; video, joka on tässä muodossa

Esimerkkejä letterbox sanan käytöstä:

There are a significant amount of widescreen movies available on DVD that display in letterbox only, especially earlier movies filmed in the 50s, 60's and 70's. (film-foundation.org)

Katso myös: anamorfinen


englanti puhekieltä Transferred to home video formats while preserving the original aspect ratio, having black bars above and below the picture area.
A collection point for mail intended for onward delivery, a secure box or receptacle for this purpose.
A delivery point for mail, a box, compartment or slot for this purpose.
A hidden container that holds a logbook and rubber stamp which is found by following clues.
puhekieltä To transfer a widescreen motion picture to home video formats while preserving the original aspect ratio, with the placing of black bars above and below the picture area.
To hunt for letterboxes (containers with logbook and rubber stamp) by following clues.


letterbox rimmaa näiden kanssa:

beauty box, jukebox

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