

  1. (tennis) verkkosyöttö



  1. houkutella, kannustaa, aiheuttaa, saada jku tekemään jtak, saada aikaan, aikaansaada, taivuttaa, antaa, siirtää haltuun, antaa vuokralle, vuokrata, edelleenvuokrata, jälleenvuokrata, antaa tehdä, sallia, antaa lupa, päästää, jäädä huomaamatta.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: letittää, letka, letkahtaa, letkajenkka, letkaus, letkautella.



antaa tehdä, antaa, sallia


saada aikaan puhekieltä To allow to, not to prevent (+ infinitive, but usually without (m)).


(w), (w) viii. 28
Pharaoh said, I will let you go.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
If your name be Horatio, as I am let to know it is(..)
1971, (w), (w)
He could not be let die of thirst there alone in the dark.
puhekieltä To leave.
(w) (c.1552–1599)
Yet neither spins nor cards, ne cares nor frets, / But to her mother Nature all her care she lets.
puhekieltä To allow the release of (a fluid).
puhekieltä To allow possession of (a property etc.) in exchange for rent.
puhekieltä To give, grant, or assign, as a work, privilege, or contract; often with out.
puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)
puhekieltä To cause (+ bare infinitive).
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):
Soo within a whyle kynge Pellinore cam with a grete hoost / and salewed the peple and the kyng / and ther was grete ioye made on euery syde / Thenne the kyng lete serche how moche people of his party ther was slayne / And ther were founde but lytel past two honderd men slayne and viij knyȝtes of the table round in their pauelions
1818, (w), "To—":
Time's sea hath been five years at its slow ebb, / Long hours have to and fro let creep the sand(nb..).
The allowing of possession of a property etc. in exchange for rent.
Charles Dickens
Then he says “You would call it a Good Let, Madam?”“O certainly a Good Let sir.”
puhekieltä To hinder, prevent, impede, hamper, cumber; to obstruct (someone or something).
Bible, 2. Thessalonians ii. 7
He who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
Mine ancient wound is hardly whole, / And lets me from the saddle.
puhekieltä To prevent someone from doing something; also to prevent something from happening.
1526, (w), trans. Bible, Acts VIII:
And as they went on their waye, they cam unto a certayne water, and the gelded man sayde: Se here is water, what shall lett me to be baptised?
puhekieltä To tarry or delay.
No longer would he let.
a1500, Sir Eger, Eger and Grimeː
For that strake I would not let, Another upon him soon I set.
An obstacle or hindrance.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.16:
Paulus Emilius going to the glorious expedition of Macedon, advertised the people of Rome during his absence not to speake of his actions: For the licence of judgements is an especiall let in great affaires.
Consider whether your doings be to the let of your salvation or not.
puhekieltä The hindrance caused by the net during serve, only if the ball falls legally.
flight (the act of flying)
(inflection of)
(imperative of)
(nl-verb form of)
{{got-romanization of|


  • letka: jono / kulkue : Letkan tokassa bilikassa tsittas Urkki.

  • letsgou: nyt mennään : Letsgou, lähetään hoitaa heti se jobi.

  • letti: pää : Sil oli ihan sika-makee letti.

  • letti: tukka / hiukset : Letti ei saanu kasvaa korvien päälle.

  • lettiin, nousee: ylpistyä : Kakelle se juttu tais nousta lettiin.

  • lettu: ohukainen / räiskäle : Mutsi duunas aina viikonloppusin lettui.

  • letukka: auto (yleensä)

  • Letukka: Chevrolet-auto : Näitsä, nasta 50-luvun Letukka!!


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