
Tarkoititko: lemu

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englanti puhekieltä The smooth breathing (spiritus lenis).
puhekieltä Any of the lene consonants, such as Greek pi, kappa, tau.
1861, William Edward Jelf, Accidence
When in a crasis, a lene consonant (..) is combined with an aspirated vowel, the lene is always changed (except in the Ionic dialect) into the corresponding aspirate (..)
(nl-verb form of)
mild, gentle, soft
(monikko) lena|lang=it
softly, gently
to (l)
laziness, sloth, idleness, indolence


lene rimmaa näiden kanssa:

säkene, hepene, murene, vene, olympiavene, pikavene, sulkavene, ulkohankavene, matkavene, kaarnavene

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