
Tarkoititko: lana

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti to throw
to (l)
Como hũa moller q̇ iogaua os dados en pulla lançou hũa pedra aa omagen de ſanta maria por q̇ perdera ⁊ parou un angeo de pedra que y eſtava a mão ⁊ reçibiu o colpe.
: How a woman who was playing dice in Apulia threw a stone at the statue of Holy Mary because she had lost, and an angel of stone which was there reached out its hand and received the blow.
to launch
to throw or shoot (with force)


lancar rimmaa näiden kanssa:

maar, cheddar, udar, agar, agar-agar, askar, mar, huhmar, piennar, ojanpiennar

Lisää riimejä

Läheisiä sanoja

lampuri, lana, lanata, lanaus, lande, langanlaiha

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