

  1. olla, maleksia, lorvailla, lorvia, vetelehtiä, laiskotella, hengailla, viivytellä, viipyillä, vaania, pyöriä, tungeksia, seisoksia, munia, roikkua, kuljeksia, kuljeskella.

Lisää synonyymejää



vetelehtiä horseplay Horseplay, fool around|fooling around.
(quote-journal)|month=August|year=1862|passage=Mr. Biggs paused and turned the flesh of the succulent lobster over with his finger. The gentleman inside addressed him: ‘Try er lobstaw, bossy?’ ‘Ain't got no money,’ said Mr. Biggs, still fingering the morsels. ‘Oh, come now, none o' that ere lallygag,’ responded the gentleman.
A layabout, one who Verb lallygags.
(See lollygag.) To dawdle; to be lazy or idle; to avoid necessary work or effort.
(quote-book)|year=1955|page=125|passage=And don't you dare to lallygag about so that you don't get home till after dark, or I'll have every policeman in Parañaque out after you! Now, take care of yourselves, all of you.
puhekieltä To pet, kiss, or otherwise demonstrate overt affection, generally in public.
(quote-book) / "Oh, we allus lallygag when we git together, me 'n' Cynthy does." (..)


lallygag rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jet lag, tag

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Läheisiä sanoja

laku, lallatella, lallattaa, lallukka, lama, lamaan

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