

  1. lastattu, kuormattu

  2. jtk täynnä oleva



  1. rasitettu, huokuva, täynnä oleva, alistettu, täysi, notkuva, täynnä, täyteinen, lastattu, lastata, pakata, kuormata, laivata.

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huokuva, täynnä oleva

notkuva weighed down|Weighed down with a load, burdened.
1883, (w), (w)

The other men were variously burthened; some carrying picks and shovels—for that had been the very first necessary they brought ashore from the Hispaniola—others laden with pork, bread, and brandy for the midday meal.
heavy Heavy.


oppressed Oppressed.
(RQ:BLwnds TLdgr)
Thus the red damask curtains which now shut out the fog-laden, drizzling atmosphere of the Marylebone Road, had cost a mere song, and yet they might have been warranted to last another thirty years. A great bargain also had been the excellent Axminster carpet which covered the floor;(nb..).
puhekieltä In the form of an adsorbate or adduct.
(past participle of)
(singular definite of)
verbal noun to (l) (qualifier), letting, having, making, seeming, pretending
verbal noun to (l) (qualifier), loading, charging
to load (gloss)
to load (gloss)
to charge (gloss)
(nl-noun form of)
puhekieltä to convocate
puhekieltä to invite
puhekieltä to load (something) e.g. into a container or onto a vehicle, to load up
puhekieltä to load (some weapon)
puhekieltä to load (some data) from a store
puhekieltä to download from a network
puhekieltä to charge (a battery or capacitor) with electricity
puhekieltä to invite (someone)
puhekieltä to summon
to serve, attend


laden rimmaa näiden kanssa:

eeden, kahden, kohden, nähden, tähden, sen tähden, minkä tähden, loden, myöden

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