
Tarkoititko: limska

Ehdota määritelmää

Liittyvät sanat: lineaarinen.


englanti puhekieltä Any long marking, dark or bright, on a planet or moon's surface.

The moons Dione and Europa have prominent lineae.

dash (Morse code symbol)
(inflection of)
A linen thread.
any Any line, thread, or string, particularly
The warp and weft during weaving.
A fishing line.
A plumbline.
A bowstring.
puhekieltä A geometric line.
A boundary line.
A line of descent, a lineage.
A line of thought; an outline, a sketch.
*1756, w:Johann Matthias Gesner|Johann Matthias Gesner:
''primusLatin Primae linea Lineae isagogeLatin Isagoges in eruditioLatin Eruditionem universalisLatin Universalem
:Introductions of a First Line into Universal Knowledge
*77, w:Apelles Apelles:
nullaLatin Nulla diesLatin dies sineLatin sine lineaLatin linea.
:w:Pliny the Elder|Pliny the Elder's w:Natural History (Pliny)|Natural History
(inflection of): flaxen
väärinkirjoitettu muoto
(es-verb form of)


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matinea, lausuntamatinea

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