

  1. luoti, luotain

  2. paino, punnus

  3. (elektroniikassa) juote

Liittyvät sanat: loden, lodentakki.


englanti puhekieltä logarithm Logarithm of odds; A measure of likelihood calculated by taking the log of the ratio of the probability of a hypothesis being true given the observed data over the probablity that the hypothesis is false.
plumb bob
lead (gloss)
sinker (gloss)
lot (gloss). A Danish lod was 15.6 grams. In this sense the plural is lod.
ticket (g)
lot, prize (g)
fate, lot (g)
portion, share (g)
lot, plot (g)
(imperative of)
(past tense of)
ice (gloss)
a plumb bob, a plummet, a weight (hanging)
a tool used to determine the depth of water
a tool used in construction to find a vertical line
a weight used to power a clock
a weight used in a loom
a weight used in a steelyard balance
a piece of metal used to heat a (non-electric) flat iron
solder (metal used in soldering)
a lot; an old weight unit corresponding to 1/30 or 1/32 pound


  • lodju: laatikko : Stikkaas noi lodjut veks tost nurkast pölyttymäst.


lód rimmaa näiden kanssa:

junk food, fast food, non-food

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lobbisti, lobby, lobbybaari, lobelia, loden, lodentakki

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