Liittyvät sanat: kroppa.


englanti body
trunk, torso
carcass, carcase
An unhealthy elargment of a bird's gullet
A tissue growth, goitre, notably struma
By extension, the throat or rather the whole neck
puhekieltä An anxiety, any emotion felt as a lump in throat, e.g. caused by fear or grief
The head (capitulum)of certain plants, especially lettuce
Various objects resembling such shapes, notably:
puhekieltä boiling water


  • kroppa: ruumis / vartalo

  • varsi: kroppa, keho : Hyvännäkönen varsi, mut daisarit vähä turhan bulit.


krop rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bebop, hiphop, shop, workshop, hiiop, kop, pop, top, tiptop, stop

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