

  1. kumpu, mäennyppylä, kumpare, nyppylä, mätäs.

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kumpare puhekieltä A small hill or mound (especially on the African veld).
1883, (w), (w), New York: H.M. Caldwell & Co., 2nd edition, Part I, Chapter 1, p. 9,

In one spot only was the solemn monotony of the plain broken. Near the center a small solitary “kopje” rose. Alone it lay there, a heap of round ironstones piled one upon the other, as over some giant’s grave.
1901, (w), (w), Chapter 9,
We selected a lichenous kopje perhaps fifteen yards away, and landed neatly on its summit one after the other.
*1952, (w), Martha Quest, Panther 1974, p. 8:
Martha looked over a mile or so of bush to a strip of pink ploughed land; … and then, ridge after ridge, fold after fold, the bush stretched to a line of blue kopjes.
*1978, (w), Rumours of Rain, Vintage 2000, p. 72:
On the koppie behind the village, the unsightly red-and-white skeleton of an FM tower.
puhekieltä (alternative form of)
(nl-noun form of)


kopje rimmaa näiden kanssa:

haje, kaje, vaje, kauppavaje, lahje, housunlahje, rahje, vehje, vihje, totovihje

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