


  1. seuraus

  2. johdonmukaisuus

Liittyvät sanat: följd


englanti consequence (that which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause)
consistency (reliability or uniformity; the quality of being consistent)
a (l)
a consequence, the result of a cause

en åsigt som endast var en fullt nödvändig konsekvens af tidens tro, att alla sjukdomar hade sin omedelbara rot i synden.

an opinion which only was a fully necessary consequence of the belief of those days, that all diseases had their immediate root in sin.

denne skeptiske engelsman, vars logik icke ryggade tillbaka för någon konsekvens.

this skeptic Englishman, whose logic didn't stand back for any consequence.

puhekieltä consistency, the ability to act according to a plan, intention, or principle, without exceptions

de världshistoriska lagar, som med obeveklig konsekvens styra nationerna till välfärd

those laws of global history, which with immutable consistency guide the nations to wealth


konsekvens rimmaa näiden kanssa:

morjens, preesens

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