


  1. kutoa kutimilla, neuloa

  2. liittää yhteen

  3. yhdistää

  4. lujittaa

  5. rypistää, kurtistaa

Liittyvät sanat: knitting



  1. sileä neulos, kaksoisneule, kudos, kangas, materiaali, tekstiili, kude, vaate, jersey, neule, neulominen, neuletyö, ompelus, käsityö.

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kutoa, neuloa


neule puhekieltä To turn thread or yarn into a piece of fabric by forming loops that are pulled through each other. This can be done by hand with needles or by machine.

to knit a stocking

The first generation knitted to order; the second still knits for its own use; the next leaves knitting to industrial manufacturers.

puhekieltä To join closely and firmly together.

The fight for survival knitted the men closely together.

Nature cannot knit the bones while the parts are under a discharge.
Thy merit hath my duty strongly knit.
Come, knit hands, and beat the ground, / In a light fantastic round.
A link among the days, to knit / The generations each to each.
puhekieltä To become closely and firmly joined; become compacted.
puhekieltä To grow together.

All those seedlings knitted into a kaleidoscopic border.

puhekieltä To combine from various elements.

The witness knitted together his testimony from contradictory pieces of hearsay.

puhekieltä Of bones: to heal following a fracture.

I’ll go skiing again after my bones knit.''

puhekieltä To form into a knot, or into knots; to tie together, as cord; to fasten by tying.
Bible, Acts x. 11
a great sheet knit at the four corners
William Shakespeare
When your head did but ache, / I knit my handkercher about your brows.
puhekieltä To draw together; to contract into wrinkles.
He knits his brow and shows an angry eye.


knit rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bikinit, pikkutunnit

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