
englanti A kind of cannabis smoked in Morocco and Algeria, for narcotic or intoxicating effect.
1809, James Grey Jackson, An Account of the Empire of Marocco, VIII:
The kief, which is the flower and seeds of the plant, is the strongest, and a pipe of it half the size of a common English tobacco-pipe, is sufficient to intoxicate.
1882, C. Rollin-Tilton, translating Edmondo de Amicis, Morocco: Its People & Places:
I perceived the odour of kif, and recognised the voices of Selam the Second, Abd-el-Rhaman, and others; it was an Arab orgie in full swing.
1982, (w), Water Music, Penguin 2006, p. 80:
The trade goods – Persian rugs, salt, muskets, kif – trailed out behind them over the dunes, still lashed to the backs of rotting animals.
2000, (w), Super-Cannes, Fourth Estate 2011, p. 52:
‘Some taxi driver, a Maghrebian…he suddenly swerved. They smoke kief, you know.’
The trichome of marijuana, a green powdery substance that falls from dry marijuana high in THC and other cannabinoid compounds.


  • kiffeli: rikkalapio

  • kifru: kivääri : Ootsä skotannu ikinä kifrulla?

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