

  1. eteläafrikkalainen lehmäantilooppi (takso|Alcelaphus caama), kaama-antilooppi


englanti puhekieltä The hartebeest.
1824, William John Burchell, Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa, vol. 2:
For, in the morning one of the Hottentots found at some distance from our station, the remains of a kaama or hartebeest, which had been devoured by a lion ....
1858, David Livingstone, Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa:
Very great numbers of the large game, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, tsessébes, kamas or hartebeests, kokongs or gnus, pallahs, rhinoceroses, etc., congregated at some fountains near Kolobeng, and the trap called ‘hopo’ was constructed, in the lands adjacent, for their destruction.


kaama rimmaa näiden kanssa:

laama, naama, kalpeanaama, pisamanaama, kovanaama, karvanaama, pallinaama, pokerinaama, hapannaama, valkonaama

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