


ejakuloida puhekieltä The unique characteristics of a bird species that enable it to be immediately identify identified by an experienced birdwatcher who has seen that bird before and is familiar with its appearance and behaviour.
1922, T A Coward, "Bird Haunts and Nature Memories", London: Warne.

A West Coast Irishman was familiar with the wild creatures which dwelt on or visited his rocks and shores; at a glance he could name them, usually correctly, but if asked how he knew them would reply ‘By their "jizz".’.
2009, Jeremy Mynott, "Birdscapes", Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Political cartoonists rely a lot on jizz. When a new president or prime minister comes into office it usually takes the cartoonists a little while to decide which features to select as field marks but they then stylise these in ways that make them instantly recognisable to the rest of us, even though they may be grossly exaggerated.
puhekieltä Male ejaculate; sperm, semen.
puhekieltä To ejaculate; to eject semen.
puhekieltä To ejaculate on, over, or into; to cover in semen.


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