

  1. ikävä ihminen, halveksija, ilkkuja, pilkkaaja, mollaaja.

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mollaaja One who jeers; a mocker.
1631, (w), (w), Act V, Scene 2, in The Works of Ben Jonson, London: G. & W. Nicol, Volume v, p. 305,

Fitton. Pox o’ these true jests, I say!
Madrigal. He’ll turn the better jeerer.
1658, (w), A Few Sighs from Hell, or the Groans of a Damned Soul, in The Works of John Bunyan, London: W. Johnston, 1767, 3rd edition, Volume I, p. 493,
(..) what good will my vanities do, when death says he will have no nay? What good will all my companions, fellow-jesters, jeerers, liars, drunkards, and all my wantons do me? Will they help to ease the pains of hell?
1891, (w), “The Marchioness of Stonehenge” in (w), New York: Harper & Bros., p. 130,
“Victory over such unkind jeerers would be sweet,” said Lady Caroline.
1974, (w), (w), New York: Knopf, Part II,
On either side of the narrow way were massed laughers and jeerers.


jeerer rimmaa näiden kanssa:

weber, freelancer, cheerleader, outsider, loafer, schäfer, penger, suojapenger, rantapenger, tiepenger

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