

  1. ulkorakennus, puusee, käymälä, puucee, ulkohuussi, ulkovessa, kuivakäymälä.

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käymälä (inflection of) in its various senses.
(label) A place to urinate and defecate: an outhouse or lavatory.
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jones):

(..)whereas the truth-finder, having raked out that jakes, his own mind, and being there capable of tracing no ray of divinity, nor anything virtuous or good, or lovely, or loving, very fairly, honestly, and logically concludes that no such things exist in the whole creation.
1999, Derek Beaven, Newtons Niece'', p. 8:
And the treasures of the floor and walls went raw into the jakeses from my brush and dustpan: sludges, geodes, hair, dead insects and arachnidae, a rubber glove and tainted paper waste, a mouse's skull and tail, a set of used plasters, (..)
(en-third-person singular of): to play a form of prank.


jakes rimmaa näiden kanssa:

director musices, edes, vastedes, tästedes, kahdes, kahdeskymmeneskahdes, yhdes, kahdeskymmenesyhdes, viides, kuudes

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