

  1. vihainen, koleerinen, kiivasluonteinen, raivoisa, äkeä, äreä, ärhäkkä, häijy, kiivas, pikavihainen, äkkipikainen, kipakka, tuittupäinen, pippurinen, lyhytpinnainen.

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ärhäkkä, äreä, äkeä

pikavihainen Easily provoked to outbursts of anger; irritable.
1809, w:Washington Irving|Washington Irving, Knickerbockers History of New York'', ch. 16:

. . . the surly and irascible passions which, like belligerent powers, lie encamped around the heart.
1863, w:Louisa May Alcott|Louisa May Alcott, Hospital Sketches, ch. 1:
I am naturally irascible, and if I could have shaken this negative gentleman vigorously, the relief would have been immense.
1921, w:William Butler Yeats|William Butler Yeats, Four Years, ch. 10:
. . . a never idle man of great physical strength and extremely irascible—did he not fling a badly baked plum pudding through the window upon Xmas Day?
2004 Feb. 29, Daniel Kadlec, ",9171,596167,00.html Why He's Meanspan," Time:
Alan Greenspan was on an irascible roll last week, first dissing everyone who holds a fixed-rate mortgage — suckers! — and later picking on folks who collect Social Security: Get back to work, Grandma.
English irascible


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