


  1. karaista, totuttaa

Esimerkkejä inure sanan käytöstä:

As Tom Paine warned, inuring us to lies lays the groundwork for many other evils. -- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World, 1996



  1. karaista, paatua, kovettua, siedättää, totuttaa, kovettaa, terästäytyä, rohkaista itseään, varautua, valmistautua, sopeuttaa.

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totuttaa, siedättää, karaista puhekieltä To cause (someone) to become accustomed (to something); to habituate. (defdate)
1912: (w), (w), Chapter 6

To none of these evidences of a fearful tragedy of a long dead day did little Tarzan give but passing heed. His wild jungle life had inured him to the sight of dead and dying animals, and had he known that he was looking upon the remains of his own father and mother he would have been no more greatly moved.
1977, w:Geoffrey Chaucer|Geoffrey Chaucer, w:The Canterbury Tales|The Canterbury Tales, Penguin Classics, p. 465:
Your insults to myself can be endured, / I am a philosopher and am inured. / But there are insults that I will not swallow / That you have levelled at our gods.
1996, w:Carl Sagan|Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World
As Tom Paine warned, inuring us to lies lays the groundwork for many other evils.
puhekieltä To take effect, to be operative. (defdate)
Jim buys a beach house that includes the right to travel across the neighbors property to get to the water. That right of way is said, cryptically, "to inure to the benefit of Jim".''
(inflection of)


inure rimmaa näiden kanssa:

force majeure, kure, houre, kuumehoure, suure, vakiosuure, satunnaissuure

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