

  1. ymmärtää syvällisesti, älytä, ymmärtää, oivaltaa, päästä jyvälle, käsittää, tajuta, aavistaa, vaistota.

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Liittyvät sanat: intuitiivinen, intuitiivisesti, intuitiivisuus, intuitio.



aavistaa, vaistota To know intuitively or by immediate perception.
1797, The principles of critical philosophy, selected from the works of (w) and expounded by w:Jakob Sigismund Beck|James Sigismund Beck; translated from the German by an auditor of the latter, London: J. Johnson & W. Richardson, Translator’s Preface, p. xxxix,

Accordingly some have been pleased to name the complex of the phaenomena, so far as it is intuited i.e. apprehended immediately, the sensual world, but so far as its connection is thought according to universal laws of understanding, the intellectual world.
1922, w:A. A. Luce|Arthur Aston Luce, w:Henri Bergson|Bergson’s Doctrine of Intuition: The (w) for 1921, London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Chapter 1, p. 29,
“Can the method be taught and learned and practised? Is an education in intuiting possible? Or do intuitions just come to the privileged, unasked, unsought?”
1961, (w), (w), Vintage International, 2001, Part Two, Chapter 4,
And Mr Biswas knew for sure then, what he had intuited and dismissed: Bhandat was deaf.


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