


  1. juoni



  1. juoni, salajuoni, rikossuunnitelma, juonittelu, pappispolitiikka, rakkaussuhde, romanssi, juonitella, vehkeillä, metkuilla, suunnitella, juonia.

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salajuoni, juonittelu, juoni

vehkeillä A complicated or clandestine plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice; conspiracy; stratagem.
Thomas Carlyle

(..) lost in such a jungle of intrigues, pettifoggings, treacheries, diplomacies domestic and foreign (..)
The plot of a play, poem or romance; the series of complications in which a writer involves their imaginary characters.
Clandestine intercourse between persons; illicit intimacy; a liaison or affair.
1976, John Harold Wilson, Court Satires of the Restoration (page 245)
In 1679 and 1680 there were persistent rumors of an intrigue between Mary, Lady Grey, and the Duke of Monmouth.
puhekieltä To conceive or carry out a secret plan intended to harm; to form a plot or scheme.
puhekieltä To arouse the interest of; to fascinate.
puhekieltä To have clandestine or illicit intercourse.
puhekieltä To fill with artifice and duplicity; to complicate.
Dr. J. Scott
How doth it sin perplex and intrigue the whole course of your lives!
English intrigue (all senses)
(inflection of)
(es-verb form of)


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