

  1. instituutio

  2. hoitola, hoitolaitos

  3. laitos

Liittyvät sanat: institutional



  1. laitos, hoitolaitos, hoitola, hoitopaikka, orpokoti, lastenkoti, rangaistuslaitos, tapa, perinne, käytäntö, instituutio.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: institutionaalinen, institutionaalistua, institutionalisoitua.




tapa, käytäntö

laitos A custom or practice of a society or community.

The institution of marriage is present in many cultures but its details vary widely across them.

An organization similarly long established and respected, particularly one involved with education, public service, or charity work.

The w:University of the South Pacific|University of the South Pacific is the only internationally-accredited institution of higher education in Oceania.

The building or buildings which house such an organization.

Hes been in an institution since the crash.''

puhekieltä other Other places or businesses similarly long established and respected.

Over time, the local pub has become something of an institution.

2009 February 19, Gareth Lewis, Southern Daily Echo:
"They have turned a great old English institution into a shameful clip joint|clip-joint. It's a shuddering, howling tragedy."
puhekieltä A person similarly long established in a place, position, or field.

Shes not just any old scholar; she is an institution.''

The act of instituting something.

The institution of higher speed limits was a popular move but increased the severity of crashes.

puhekieltä That which institutes or instructs, particularly a textbook or system of elements or rules.
Noun institution
an English institution (an established organization)
an institution (a habit)
an institution (a person)
a department (at a university)

datavetenskapliga institutionen

department of computer science

institutionen för fysik

department of physics


institution rimmaa näiden kanssa:

science fiction, lotion

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