


  1. helvetti, Manala


englanti (l)
1877, Antonio Ive, Canti popolari istriani: raccolti a Rovigno, volume 5, Ermanno Loescher, page 99:
Là drento xì l’infierno naturale.
: But inside it is natural hell.
puhekieltä Sheol, the Hebrew term for the underworld; hell.
c1200: Almeric, w:Fazienda de Ultramar|Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 6r. a.
e dẏxo decédre / al infierno dolorioſo ſo por mẏo / fijo.
: And he said: "I shall descend to hell unto my son in mourning."
Idem, 8r.
e ſi perdiere a beniamin deſcen / dre en mi ueieza enel ífierno. e / plorar lo he ẏ.
: And should I lose Benjamin I will descend to hell, in my old age, and I shall mourn him there.


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