

vääjäämättömästi In an inexorable manner; without the possibility of stopping or prevention.

We watched as the storm clouds advanced inexorably closer to us.

2003, Matrix Reloaded, The Architect
While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.
2007, Scott Smith, The Ruins, page 136
Later, they all felt guilty about having laughed, especially when it looked as if she might not be able to walk again. But she did, eventually—implacably, inexorably—with a slight limp, perhaps, although this was barely noticeable, not noticeable at all, really, unless you knew the story, unless you were watching for it.
2000, (w), Last of the Gaderene, chapter 27
The strange group of villagers shuffled inexorably forward.


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hely, viljely, osa-aikaviljely, kuokkaviljely, lavaviljely, parvekeviljely, kasvihuoneviljely, koeviljely, kateviljely, kotitarveviljely

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