


  1. lukea syyksi, syyttää

  2. tilastotiede|k=en paikata, imputoida



  1. arvioida, tuomita, arvostella, lukea syyksi, lukea jk jkn ansioksi, lukea jk jkn syyksi, pitää jtak jkn aiheuttamana, pitää jtak jkn ominaisuutena, pitää jtak jkn tekemänä, liittää, yhdistää, tehdä aistilliseksi, tehdä lihalliseksi.

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lukea syyksi puhekieltä To attribute or ascribe (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source.

The teacher imputed the students failure to his nervousness.''

1751, (w), s:Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard|Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, lines 37–40:
Nor you, ye proud, impute to these the fault, // If mem’ry o’er their tomb no trophies raise, // Where thro’ the long-drawn isle and fretted vault, // The pealing anthem swells the note of praise.
1856 February, w:Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay|Thomas Babington Macaulay, “(w)” in the (w) (eighth edition), volume and page numbers unknown:
He was vain, sensual, frivolous, profuse, improvident. One vice of a darker shade was imputed to him, envy.
1956–1960, w:Richard Stanley Peters|R.S. Peters, The Concept of Motivation, w:Routledge Routledge & Kegan Paul (second edition, 1960), chapter ii: “Motives and Motivation”, page 29:
We ascribe or impute motives to others and avow them or confess to them in ourselves.
puhekieltä To ascribe (sin or righteousness) (m) someone by substitution.
2009, (w), A History of Christianity, Penguin (2010), page 607:
To use the technical language of theologians, God through his grace ‘imputes’ the merits of the crucified and risen Christ to a fallen human being who remains without inherent merit, and who without this ‘imputation’ would not be ‘made’ righteous at all.
puhekieltä To take into account; to consider; to regard.
1788, (w), (w) VI, chapter lxiv, “A.D. 1355–1391: The Emperor John Palæologus; Discord of the Greeks”, page 328:
They ſerved with honour in the wars of Bajazet; but a plan of fortifying Conſtantinople excited his jealouſy: he threatened their lives; the new works were inſtantly demoliſhed; and we ſhall beſtow a praiſe, perhaps above the merit of Palæologus, if we impute this laſt humiliation as the cauſe of his death.
puhekieltä To attribute or credit to.

People impute great cleverness to cats.

2014, Janet Clare, Shakespeares Stage Traffic'' (page 11)
In any case, the practices imputed to Shakespeare as an emergent dramatist were not in the least exceptional.
(inflection of)
(es-verb form of)


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palaute, puudute, makeute, sakeute, suihkute, suusuihkute, vaikute, ruiskute, nukute, houkute

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